Jardin Cosmique -  Holokinetism - by K-soul 
A visit is worth all theories …
Architectural concept of the Jardin Cosmique
A poetic space modelled on the human   The space Jardin Cosmique is an architectural artwork modelled on the human being. It offers various  ways to our spiritual core: Our "Jardin Cosmique". This space is an inductor of humanity.  The architectural expression of the human organism   The human organism is schematically constituted by the interaction of three "systems": The neuro-  sensory system has its centre in the in the cranium; the metabolic system is mainly located in the  abdomen; these two poles are intertwined and equilibrate themselves in a dynamic way in the rhythmic  system which has its centre in the thorax. These three organic levels are already present the in embryonic  stage of the parenchyma, consisting of endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm. The space "Jardin Cosmique" is polarized on one side by angular volumes, they are expressing  mineralization processes, typical for nervous substance; it's the place of thought and consciousness. At  the opposite pole, metabolic processes are predominant: round forms and curved lines are expressing  dynamical processes of organic combustion. As the thorax, the intermediary space dynamically links these  two poles. It's the place of the heart and lung systems; it's the area of rhythms, emotions and exchanges.    By this structure, the different areas of activity interact in a harmonious and dynamic manner: the spaces  of reflection and meditation like the library are situated in the skull; the central area becomes the heart of  the space, the breathing system, the space of exchanges and encounters; the metabolic area is the zone  of movement, the passing from inside to outside.    An universal space   The concept of this organic architecture allows the integration of all the  images of the nature:  The plant unfolds its roots in the mineral, neuro-sensory area; its leaves  have their place in the intermediary zone of breathing and rhythmic  exchanges; flowers, fruit and seeds are resulting from the living  combustion of the plant, they take place in the metabolic area.   The geological structure of the Earth is integrated on one side with the  siliceous and angled granitic massifs, as the granitic massifs of Chamonix.  On the other side take place the alkaline limestone mountains with its  round forms as the Pre-Alps. The intermediary area is occupied by the  metamorphic rocks with its rhythmic structures, as gneiss or schist. All  the polarities of nature and its interactions find their place in the space  Jardin Cosmique. It results a big richness of inspirations. The space  becomes universal.    A dynamic space  The dynamic of the space is realized by the interaction, the synergy and  the opposition of lines and curved, twisted or angular planes, spaces  which close and open themselves like breathing. Form and spatial  dynamic can produce a feeling of oppression or dissolution. A door frame  getting wider towards the bottom gives the impression to penetrate the  soil (door adapted for a cellar or a crypt), a door frame widening upwards  produces the feeling of elevation and emancipation of gravity (door  adapted for a library). An asymmetry orientated to the right side  produces a feeling of future, towards the left a return to the past, etc. These architectural laws translate spatially the laws of the pictorial  language. Like the composition of a painting, the dynamic dialog between  the planes and lines belongs to the domain of the artistic expression. It  reveals to the human the fundamental structure of his being and leads  him to his identity.  The creation of dynamic space wrap is very precise. The perception has  to be harmonious and dynamic from all points of view. The resultant of  the lines and planes delimiting the space has to be completely vertical or  define a precise azimuth. A feeling of spatial disharmony can produce  subtle pathological psychic processes. The space has to be sane and  balancing. The artwork has to be therapeutic. The space becomes universal, as a tuning fork it takes its function by the  presence of the human. It induces a sane getting in motion of our being  and has a regulatory effect on our relation to the world.   This process is a way to discover Our Jardin Cosmique, the fundamental  core of our being, our centre of equilibrium.   The furniture   The furniture is specially conceived for the space and integrates itself in a  dynamic way. It becomes the signs of the writing of Jardin Cosmique.  K-soul - July 2013
Entrée dans la zone thoracique du Jardin Cosmique - L’espace des échanges et des rencontres : structures rythmiques La zone métabolique du Jardin Cosmique - Espace du mouvement, du passage, la zone de réception : structures arrondies La zone crânienne du Jardin Cosmique - Processus de minéralisation de la substance nerveuse : structures anguleuses  Laboratoire Jardin Cosmique 1. The skull area : angular structures 2. The thoracic area : rhythmic structures 3. The metabolic area : curved structures Jardin Cosmique News K-soul Artworks Holithographe Symphonie picturale Infos Contact
 Laboratoire Jardin Cosmique - Fenalet - 1880 Bex - Switzerland T. +41 24 463 37 57 - info(a)jardincosmique.com - www.jardincosmique.com
K-soul’s artworks
Painting Sculpture Architecture Book Architecture